
Experience seamless crypto management with start wallet (version 22.9.3). Easy setup, ultimate security, and user-friendly interface.

Welcome to Start Wallet (Version 22.9.3)

Setting up your Start Wallet (version 22.9.3) is simple and secure. Begin by visiting Connect your Trezor device to your computer and follow the on-screen prompts. Download and install the latest Trezor Suite app for enhanced security and user experience.

Once installed, open the Trezor Suite and create a new wallet. Backup your recovery seed and store it safely. This seed is essential for wallet recovery. Next, set up a strong PIN to protect your device.

With your wallet setup complete, you can easily manage your cryptocurrencies. Use the Trezor Suite to send, receive, and monitor your digital assets securely. The intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience for both beginners and advanced users.

Last updated